Daily Things

Let's talk about daily things and think. The words think and thing are often confused because they appear similar words. Do you know the difference between thing and think? Think means to ponder to go over in one's head when used as a verb.  Thing means considered that which  to exit as a separate entity, object, quality or concept when used as a noun. 

There are many daily things, I share a few things from that. I wake up earlier. I am daily learn new skills.  I am daily write a blog. Watch the sunset, there are 365 sunset a year, don't miss so many of them. I am daily read the news paper. I am daily drink tea. I daily done brush teeth and study English. I am try out a new hobby. I call or video chat with friend or loved one. I am daily simply taking a few minutes  to remind yourself of everything that is going well in your life. 

Now talk about daily think. I share few think. Some scientific studies even suggest that thinking positively can reduce the likelihood, and a variety of other stress - related disorders. Positive. Be thankful you woke up this morning. wake up early every morning and think positive, everything will be fine. Ignore other's wrong talk. Don't compare yourself to others. Focus on the good things in your life no matter how small. Think positive and always be positive.